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pitch scripts!

Feature: For White Wash



Insight:  Spots on white are literally a nightmare



A lady deeply in sleep. She gets a nightmare. We see all ghost in white clothes trying to scare her. She is not frightened by seeing those ghosts at all.

After that, she sees one ghost drops ink on his white cloth and she literally screams in shock.



Insight: Spots on white ...A very serious issue


(Plot:------Round table meeting with high ranking officers)


Issue:---Spots/daag on white.


The 1st officer says in a describing manner "All around the world this problem exist...the world is still worried about the consequences of wearing white clothes"


2nd Officer says firmly " We need to do something about it" and punches the table.


3rd one says" Let's create a free white world, where wearing white is no more a threat."


1st offficer ask? "How is that possible???" ...


"Obviously, with the Panasonic whitewash feature"....the lead graceful women on the other end of the table answers.


Panasonic Washing Machine: White is easy!




Feature: Baby clothes  


Insight: Most young married women are not confidently sure if they are ready for a baby. They need surety.



A baby is in the pram at the living room, baby's aunt trying to talk to her make him laugh and picks him up and he starts crying and the father picks him up and he stops crying and gives back to his sister..he starts crying again.


The aunt blames herself.. .... when another cousin picks the baby to check something...he stops crying and then the cousin for fun moves the baby back and forth from the sister...and realizes being close to the aunt makes the baby cry...She says "he doesn't like me...will I ever be ready for my own:<







The next minute the mom enters she was at the door seeing all this ...and gives the aunt a scarf...and then hands over the baby to her....and now the baby is happy...

the aunt asks how did you do that. She holds her hand and says" it's not you that is making baby's the roughness of your clothes."



and points at the baby feature of the Washing machine...The aunt then says" You know what now I feel ready"

Everyone laughs in the room...

Panasonic Washing Machine:  Motherhood made easy!  






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